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follicore to get long 0:59hair fast and I found some really good 1:02tips and some of them really helped so 1:03I'm gonna share the ones with you today 1:05that really helped me and hopefully they 1:10helped you too 1:12so my first tip stop using heat he is so 1:16bad for your hair it's like you're 1:18essentially just taking a flat you're 1:21taking an iron and burning your hair 1:24until it's like crispy straight it's 1:29disgusting it's horrible is really bad 1:31for your hair it gives you split ends 1:33which is super bad and just leave it 1:35natural don't put heat on it and if you 1:38do decide to put heat on it use key 1:41protectant 1:43okay my second tip for you is to give 1:46yourself to do yourself hair masks my 1:50favorite one is coconut oil but honestly 1:52what I do is I mix loads of different 1:55ones together but the more line at once 1:56I can get the benefits of all of the 1:58oils I put in on my hair so I like to 2:01use coconut oil um 2:04castor oil and argan oil so I could do a 2:09whole different video for you if you 2:10like on the benefits of the different 2:13oils on your hair and how each or what 2:16each oil does to your hair usually when 2:19my hair's like starting to get dirty and 2:21is to be washed brushing my hair out 2:23brush out all the tangles and then I'll 2:25put the oil in my hair brush it through 2:27put it in a really tight plat on top of 2:30my head and take with that overnight and 2:31maybe even go out with it the next day 2:33actually looks like you've just got a 2:35really sleek flat on the top of your 2:37head and then I'll wash it all out and 2:40then afterwards like you could 2:41immediately see how much softer your 2:43hair will end up looking so yeah oils 2:46are definitely I definitely recommend 2:48those to help grow your hair long okay 2:52so here's a few clips of me putting the 2:54oil in my hair .


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